What physical condition should I be in to go on a Haiti trip?
Everyone interested in going with us will undergo an interview. Because of the lack of medical professionals in Haiti, we highly suggest that you be in good health to travel with us.
We also suggest you purchase a Travel Insurance policy as a backup through Sevencorners.com.in case medical evacuation is necessary. This cost would be YOUR responsibility.
If you are on several medications and/or under a doctor’s care we highly suggest that you not accompany us, but you can still contribute to the trip through your prayers and financial support.
The Leader of the Team reserves the right to refuse your request to travel with us based upon your interview.
What type of clothing do I need to bring?
Clothing should be lightweight and comfortable. It is very hot in Haiti even in the Winter. Men can wear jeans; workpants; shorts and shoes; tank tops and shirts; while Women should wear slacks or skirts blouses and shoes. NO SHORTS. You should bring one nice outfit for Church and in the evenings if you want. A lot of our team members will bring clothes and then leave them for the Locals. This is NOT a requirement. Also included on this website is a list of “things you may want to bring to Haiti”, which is more detailed and complete. Please check there also.
What kind of work will I be doing while I am in Haiti?
We endeavor to tailor each trip to the gifts and talents of the participants going. These projects could include but not limited to Teaching the Children English; Clothes & Shoe distribution; Feeding and rocking the Babies; Arts and Crafts with the Children; working at a Clinic in a medical capacity; Plumbing; Carpentry; Concrete; Electrical; General labor; Roofing and Painting. There is something for everyone to do so it does not matter what you are skilled in.
I have special food requirements, are there alternative menus available? What about allergies; or vegetarians?
While in Haiti we are very limited to what we can do with special food requests. However, a diet of rice, beans, fruit, pasta and vegetables are usually on the menu. As far as food allergies, it is best that you check with the director of your trip before signing up so we can call ahead to check for you. If advance disclosure is not made before going on the trip there is not much we can do after we arrive.
What kind of food will I eat when I’m in Haiti?
The menu will be determined by where you stay. In most cases we cook for ourselves and in some cases we may enjoy some food with Haitian flair.
Where will I stay while in Haiti?
We stay at various facilities in Haiti, all are comfortable and safe. Sheets, pillows, pillow cases are provided. You will want to bring your own towels.
How do I get to Haiti?
Because many people choose to fly from various Airports due to price, it is each participant responsibility to provide their own transportation to and from the airport. We will provide you with a couple of possible itineraries and will communicate to you the time frames we want you to arrive in Haiti from your location HOWEVER, when you arrive in Haiti, we will provide for all transportation to and from the Airport.
Do I need any kind of shots to go to Haiti?
I consulted with a prominent ER doctor who goes to Haiti frequently and in his opinion all you really need is a Tetanus shot, and some Malaria pills. Most doctors will recommend Hepatitis shots but they are not crucial. The biggest problem in Haiti is Cholera which is transmitted by touching something unclean and then touching your mouth. This is why we recommend plenty of hand sanitizer and also wearing gloves when possible.
Is there an age limit to go to Haiti?
The purpose of our trip is to be productive and that all members contribute to the overall purpose of the trip. Therefore we have established an age limit of 12 and up. Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult guardian.
Is it safe to go to Haiti?
All third world countries are dangerous to travel to. However, we can minimum the danger by all team members adhering to all the rules set forth by the leader of the trip. These rules consist of but are not inclusive: Always stay together. Do not wander out alone. Always be accompanied by a Haitian escort. Be very careful how you interact with the general public. When out as a group on tour or visiting the local markets or other stores, be respectful and conduct yourself appropriately.
Can I buy souvenirs in Haiti?
We endeavor to give you the opportunity to buy souvenirs while in Haiti.
What is the Code of Conduct while on this Missions Trip?
On each trip there is ONLY ONE LEADER. That Leaders’ responsibility is to keep you safe while in Haiti and to get you home safely. While in Haiti they will make the decision of what projects we do and what activities we take part in. The Head Leader can, depending on the size of the team, assign sub leaders to help with the management of projects and personnel. While constructive input is always welcome, the Leader will make the FINAL decision in ALL situations. Lack of cooperation with Leadership and not being a Team player can result in your immediate return back to the United States at YOUR OWN expense.
What is the most important thing I can take on my Missions trip with me?
A GOOD ATTITUDE and a TEACHABLE SPIRIT. Our last 22+ trips to Haiti have been successful because we have had people who listen and follow direction. It does not matter what walk of life you come from, on our trips you are all EQUAL. You each have a unique gifting or skill to contribute to the Team. Team effort is essential for a successful trip and while you may not always agree with Leadership it is essential that you follow their direction. They are seasoned professionals in Haiti and know how to keep you safe and make the trip productive and fruitful for all participating. Remember, “love covers a multitude of sins”, and “behold how good and pleasant it is for brother to dwell together in unity”. Oh, and don’t forget plenty of BUG SPRAY & SUNSCREEN.!!!
Are there any tariffs to get into Haiti?
Yes there is a $10 tariff for any NON Haiti citizen
What is Haiti Initiatives refund policy for Room and Board?
If you decide to cancel your trip to Haiti and give us at lease a 1 week notice then your deposit for Room and Board will be refunded. However once we leave for Haiti there will be no refund available.
Will there be time for sightseeing or a leisure day?
Depending upon the length of the trip and our location, we endeavor to set up a fun day. This trip is not included in your fee to go to Haiti and your attendance is not mandatory, any cost for the activity or transportation will be absorbed by those attending.